Research shows that short-term pass-through effect of RMB nominal effective exchange rate to import price index for-0. 通过研究本文发现人民币名义有效汇率对进口价格指数的短期传递效应为-0。
If China is not able to make a difference in this battle, import price of potassium fertilizer in coming few years will probably like iron ore, under control by others. 如果中国不能在这场争夺战中有所作为,那往后几年的钾肥进口价,必如铁矿石一样,受制于人。
The farm price of rice was only 13 percent above the import price, and Japan then was close to self-sufficiency. 大米的农场价格只比进口价格高13%,当时日本接近自给。
Empirical analysis is made upon the transferring rate of exchange rate volatility onto the import price, domestic wholesale price and retail price. 汇率波动首先影响进口价格,然后影响到批发物价,最后传导到消费价格。
The impact of exchange rate changes on the import price is stronger than that on Consumer price. 汇率变动对进口价格的影响强于对消费者价格的影响;
They see the uptick in certain headline inflation rates as one-off adjustments to the price level, reflecting commodity price rises or import price rises rather than a self-reinforcing process of price rises feeding household and company inflation perceptions. 他们认为一些整体通胀数据的上扬是对价格水平的一次性调整,反映了大宗商品价格的上涨,或进口价格的上升,而不是一个会促成居民家庭和企业通胀感知的自我强化的价格上升过程。
Trading in cobalt concentrate is opaque but according to Reuters the import price in eastern China fell 16 per cent in the week to November 14 and has halved since March. 虽然钴精矿的交易缺乏透明度,但据路透社(reuters)报道,华东地区的钴进口价格在截止11月14日的一周下跌了16%,自3月份以来则下跌了一半。
Mr Redeker suggests that a rising renminbi is now favourable for the country as it will reduce import price pressure for food products. 雷蒂克认为,现在人民币升值对中国有利,因为这将减轻食品的进口价格压力。
However, in the recent months, oil import price began a rebound and higher price has affected China's oil market. 但近几个月原油进口价格开始反弹,国际油价上涨已对我国石油市场有所影响。
Study on the export value fluctuation of China agricultural mechanical products ( AMP) by the ratio of export price to import price and the trade condition index and quality analysis index were conducted. 运用进出口价格比、贸易条件指数和质量指数3个指标对我国农机产品出口价值变动进行了分析。
Through vector auto-regression ( VAR), this paper studies the impacts of nominal exchange rate and import price fluctuations on domestic inflation. 本文运用向量自回归(VAR)的方法研究了名义汇率和国际市场价格波动对中国国内价格水平的影响。
Money shock is more influential than nominal exchange rate and import price on domestic inflation fluctuation, but it is not the main course of producer price fluctuation. 货币供应量波动对国内价格水平的影响力要强于名义汇率和进口价格波动,而且是导致消费者价格波动的主要原因之一。
Equi, but the import price is more expensive x enzyme was deactivated easily and its yield is low; equi生物酶还原法,其化学收率较高,但其生物酶进口价格较昂贵,而且操作过程中酶容易失活,且光学收率为76%,不是很令人满意;
The export price of agricultural machines was lower than the import price in both countries. 中印农机产品的出口价格均低于进口价格,两国的贸易条件都较差,中国的进出口价格比低于印度,在贸易条件和出口盈利上处于劣势;
The conclusion indicates that the ratio of export price to import price of the AMP almost keeps stable and trade condition indexes of all products are declined in different degree. 结果表明:农机产品进出口价格比和贸易条件指数在不同程度上都有所下降,我国农机产品出口的增长属于数量的增长,而非价值的提高。
This paper analyzes the trend of iron ore's import price to provide some references for the steel output ability adjusting and resources strategy of China. 因此,本文试图在分析铁矿石价格态势的基础上,提出调整钢铁产能并为我国的资源战略提供参考。
The paper finds the following results, in the short run; domestic producer price fluctuation is mainly attributed to the import price shock, while consumer price fluctuation to the import price and money stock shocks. 通过计量研究我们可以发现,国内生产者价格的短期波动主要归因于进口价格冲击,而消费者价格的短期波动则主要是进口价格和货币供给冲击造成的。
Exchange rate reflects the ratio between the currencies of two countries; while terms of trade is a ratio of export price and import price of a country, reflecting the position of the country in international trade, the international competitiveness and the situation of national welfare. 汇率反映了两国的货币价格之比;而贸易条件是一国的进出口价格之比,反映了该国在国际贸易中的地位,国际竞争力以及国民福利的情况。
The conclusion is that: the transmission of the nominal effective exchange rate to the import price is incomplete. 检验结果表明:名义有效汇率对进口价格的传递是不完全的,名义有效汇率对国内物价水平的影响不是一对一的。
It works out import price terms of trade which is composed by four kinds of intermediate goods, and compare it with other import price index, finds that after 2002, the price terms of trade deteriorates, but it is not the result of intra-product trade. 编制了四种中间产品进口价格指数并与其他进口价格指数进行对照,发现2002年之后价格贸易条件呈现恶化,并非产品内贸易导致的。
The empirical results of the three types of import price index reflect the rate of exchange rates on import prices showed a downward trend. 三类进口价格指数的回归结果都体现了汇率对进口价格转嫁率呈下降趋势。
Firstly, we examine how the exchange rate movements affect the import price. 第一步,我们检验了汇率变动对进口价格的影响。
Based on the perspective of asymmetric, the RMB exchange rate appreciation in soybean import price is greater than the influence of the devaluation of RMB exchange rate. The former has passed the test of significance. But both for price conduction coefficient is very small. 同时基于非对称的视角,人民币汇率升值对大豆进口价格的影响要大于人民币汇率贬值,且前者通过了显著性检验,而后者没有。
In the short term, 1% appreciation of RMB will lead to import price index 0.2% lower, thus it can be said only a small part of the impact of exchange rate shocks delivered to the import price. 短期内,人民币1%的升值会导致进口价格指数0.2%的降低,因此可以说汇率冲击只有很小一部分传递到进口价格上。
The exchange rate volatility is not totally transferred to the import price, because imported intermediate goods form only part of final goods, and the effects of exchange rate fluctuation on the export price, the wholesale price and retail price is gradually decreasing. 由于汇率波动并非完全转嫁到进口价格,进口中间产品只是最终产品的组成部分,因此,汇率波动对出口价格、批发物价和消费价格的影响是不断递减的。
Labor productivity, the industry technology level, ore import price and other factors should also receive attention. 全员劳动生产率、行业技术水平、矿石进口均价等因素的影响也应得到重视。
Then we test the impact of the changes of the import price and exchange rate on consumer price. 第二步,我们检验了进口价格和汇率变动对消费者价格的影响。